Ignition Discover Gallery
Submit a Project
Showcase Your Ignition Project
A centerpiece at the annual Ignition Community Conference (ICC), the Ignition Discover Gallery is a video showcase of the top Ignition projects from around the globe. For more details about submitting a project to be considered for the gallery, watch the video.
If you feel you have an exceptional Ignition project that you’d like the rest of the world to see, click the button below to get your submission started.
If Your Project Is Selected

You’ll get one free Ignition Community Conference ticket so you can show off and share your project with the community.

Your project will be displayed at the conference and on our website during and after the event.

You will be eligible to win a prestigious Firebrand Award in person at the Ignition Community Conference.
Discover Gallery FAQs
How Many Projects Are Selected?
We select 18 projects in total and award six of them a Firebrand Award.
When Do You Announce The Winning Entries?
We announce and launch all 18 projects when ICC goes live on September 16th, 2025. Each winner will already have their final video before then. Please coordinate with our Marketing team for social and press releases.
What Happens If I Don’t Get End User Approval By The Conference?
Without end user approval, we can’t present your project at ICC. But we may still follow up in the future to make your project a case study.
Can I Submit A Project From Previous Years?
Yes! Your project did not have to be completed this year, but it needs to have been successfully implemented. It can even be a project you’ve submitted for the Discover Gallery in the past that wasn’t selected.
What’s My Involvement If My Project Is Selected?
If you’re a Firebrand winner, our media team will travel to film a special video on site and conduct interviews. If your project is in the Discover Gallery but not a Firebrand winner, our media team will discuss with you the various options to make a great video remotely.
What Does IA Do With These Videos?
We play all 18 videos live at ICC in our designated Discover Gallery space. The videos are also available to steam for virtual ticket holders. We post them to our ICC site, Inductive’s website, and on social media. We also share the videos with the companies who submitted them.
Who Picks The Winners?
Inductive Automation picks all final entries and lets everyone know in May if they are in the Discover Gallery and if they will receive a Firebrand Award.
How Do You Grade The Projects?
We have four separate internal committees that rate the submissions on uniqueness, UX/UI design, architectural complexity, difficulty level, and if this project had a positive impact on the industry, company, or an individual.
Can I Submit Multiple Projects?
Yes! But we will only select one per company even if you have multiple winning entries.
Can I Enter If I’ve Won Before?
Yes! We’ve had integrators win multiple times throughout the years.
Does My Company Get To Keep The Video After ICC?
Yes! You’re welcome to share it on your site and social media after ICC begins.
Still Need Convincing?
Browse the library of Discover Gallery Finalist and Firebrand Award-winning projects from the 2024 Ignition Community Conference.
See Past Projects