Ignition Discover Gallery
2017 Firebrand Gold Award Winner
Miller-Eads Company
Project For: Kinetrex Energy
Making Data Available Across Several Divisions
This project uses Ignition to integrate multiple software packages into a comprehensive, flexible system that is tailor-made for the customer’s processes, from accounting to operations.
Problem: Kinetrex Energy LNG is an Indianapolis-based company that is the leading provider of liquefied natural gas in the Midwest. The company underwent a major control system upgrade in 2014, moving from DeltaV to Rockwell Automation ControlLogix-based control. As part of this upgrade, a Wonderware SCADA package was installed alongside the new control system. Almost immediately, the limitations of this legacy Wonderware SCADA solution left the Kinetrex management team with their hands tied when their vision for their system exceeded Wonderware’s capabilities. This, along with the headache caused by the use of numerous other disparate and siloed software packages left them wishing there was a better solution.
Solution: In March 2016, Kinetrex contacted Miller-Eads Automation to request a proposed solution. After investigating the problems caused by the combination and limited functionality of the many software packages, Miller-Eads presented a proposal using Ignition to integrate the many types and versions of software and expand the overall system’s capabilities.
Kinetrex agreed, and chose Ignition as the platform to consolidate the various systems into a single, manageable, and scalable solution that would be developed over time. Over the course of the last year, Miller-Eads has worked directly with Kinetrex to identify, develop, test, and deploy solutions for high performance HMI, CMMS, data historian, trucking logistical order taking and processing, employee time tracking, and administrative reporting. Miller-Eads also developed solutions that allow Kinetrex to easily export transaction data to QuickBooks and export customer-specific transactions to FuelQuest. A tablet-launched project was deployed to allow Kinetrex employees to complete industry-required hourly equipment and process inspections via tablet.
Result: By leveraging the robust features and flexibility of Ignition, Miller-Eads helped Kinetrex consolidate all of its existing software solutions, both SaaS and standard on premises, to gain efficiency and functionality. As each new feature was brought online and Kinetrex began to truly grasp the breadth of possibilities with an Ignition-powered solution, the creativity within the Kinetrex staff flourished. Miller-Eads continues to work with the Kinetrex engineering and management team to investigate and develop the next requests, and Kinetrex is thrilled to finally have a system that works exactly the way it wants it to work. The unique aspect of this particular project is simply that Ignition integrates every single part of the Kinetrex business process, from the operator to the accounting department, making maintenance, expansion, and information sharing a breeze.
Project Scope:
- Approx. 2,700 tags
- 600 historical tags
- Approx. 50 screens
- Approx. 30 alarms
- 12 clients (8 workstations, 2 tablets, mobile, display)
- Standard Ignition Architecture, Single Site
- MySQL database
- Microsoft SQL database

Presented By:
Charlie Hendrixson
Charlie has channeled his lifelong passion for technology into his position as Director of Automation Services with Miller-Eads. Charlie is a technology evangelist in the industrial market focused on bringing tangible results to customers. For more than 10 years, Charlie has showcased products from Inductive Automation as a key part of his overall strategy to empower clients.
Created By:
Miller-Eads Company
Founded in 1969, Miller-Eads has spent the last half-century defining itself as a leader in the electrical construction and services industry. The company has built its reputation around quality of work, ethical business practices, and long-term relationships with clients. By following the established success with the expansion into the automation and integration markets in 2010, Miller-Eads has continued to build on its legacy. With the addition of its UL508A panel shop, Miller-Eads offers a complete turnkey solution from electrical distribution, through PLC and automated plant control, to interfacing with ERP and other business systems under a single roof. The company continues to choose Ignition as its primary choice when offering new or upgrade systems of all sizes. In 2017, Miller-Eads renewed its commitment to become a world leader in Ignition development competencies to position itself competitively for the next 50 years.
Website: miller-eads.com
Project For:
Kinetrex Energy
Kinetrex Energy was created to provide businesses with a more affordable, reliable energy source. Today, the most readily available solution to that demand is natural gas, and Kinetrex delivers that solution from a comprehensive portfolio of products ranging from the natural gas everyone is accustomed to — straight from the pipeline — to more innovative solutions like Liquefied Natural Gas that can be transported by truck where pipelines don’t exist, and greener solutions like Renewable Natural Gas captured from landfills and municipal wastewater plants.
Oil & Gas