Ignition Discover Gallery
2016 Firebrand Gold Award Winner
Project For: Guild Associates
Detailed Simulation Greatly Improves Training
There are a variety of limiting factors with traditional hands-on equipment training. Most pieces of equipment are not built for the constant repetition required in a classroom or hands-on training environment. In most cases, the number of students exceeds the available equipment — so training is often done in stages rather than in sequence. In addition, valuable and strategic training time is often restricted by the setup and tear-down time. Weather delays are a continual problem for in-the-field, hands-on training. The use of hazardous chemicals and disposal are of real concern as well as the filling and phasing on and off of various component systems such as hydraulics or tank fills. These are all issues that limit the actual training time. By creating an exact duplication of the actual system or process, the Guild Training Simulator sets a new standard in equipment training. The Guild Training Simulator — engineered to the exact specifications of the original piece of equipment — gives both the instructor and trainee virtual product accessibility where they can gain hands-on experience before they ever activate a switch. This project runs two clients that act as one training simulator over two PCs with one gateway. We also have two applications on the system, which can be switched between using a VBA program that was custom-made. The training simulators allow for easier training for the military. Training is no longer restricted by weather or limitations of equipment. The system is also portable and can be loaded on any PC. This will make training more effective for a larger audience. Training is now more efficient and less costly. It’s portable and easy to use. Other departments in the Army are interested in this type of training. Also, a maintenance mode is being considered, with an emphasis on how to troubleshoot hardware issues. There is also a possibility of applying this type of simulated training to other industries where training is needed.
Presented By:
Todd Ebright
Todd Ebright is a native to Columbus, Ohio, and has always had an interest in electrical engineering. While attending college, Todd interned for MartinCSI and received hands-on experience in the industry. In 2008, Todd received his B.S. in Electrical Engineering from The University of Evansville (Indiana) and in 2011, Todd rejoined MartinCSI as a design engineer. Recently, Todd was promoted to a staff engineer. Todd enjoys staying active by playing in a competitive volleyball league and geeking out at home.
Created By:
MartinCSI is an engineering services company focused on the design and integration of industrial control systems. MartinCSI’s services include electrical engineering design, implementation, documentation and support services for motion controls, vision, HMIs, process controls, data collection and upgrades of legacy systems. Founded in 1988, MartinCSI serves clients in a broad range of manufacturing and process facilities including automotive, pharmaceutical, OEM, and food and beverage packaging plants throughout the Midwest and southeastern United States. MartinCSI has been a CSIA Member since 1997 and has continuously maintained CSIA certification since 2002. Website: www.martincsi.com
Project For:
Guild Associates
Guild Associates is a world-class expert in diverse areas such as adsorption (both materials and processes), catalysts, and biotechnology sensors. We have a proven history of executing basic research and then delivering products that practically and efficiently utilize that research to solve difficult problems. For the military, Guild Associates is focused on improving the life of the warfighter. Guild Associates' products protect warfighters from chemical and biological warfare agents, efficiently launder their clothes wherever they are deployed, and enable Mortuary Affairs to respectfully preserve the remains of those who make the ultimate sacrifice.