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2015 Project Finalist
PB Automation
Project For: John Bosco of Turin Hospital, Italy
Modern & Intuitive User Interface for Hospital in Italy
ProblemThe request was the full integration of the existing fire detection system on a new open supervisor platform, based on the most modern technology. The monitoring and control system must have characteristics of high reliability while maintaining maximum flexibility; precisely in this context, the system integrator’s work is fundamental in the choice of products and solutions.
The main requirements were that the system must be reliable, easy to manage, scalable, and able to import maps in vector format. Also, it had to be in real-time, with redundancy built into the system, and with a simple intuitive operator interface. The existing fire detection system is based on n° 1 Esser 8008 and n° 2 Notifier AM6000 Fire Panels for a total of about 3,150 points (sensors and modules) and 23,900 alarms; the number of clients required is 2 and all data must be archived on a SQLServer database.
To achieve the required results, PB Automation created a system of automation and supervision based on Ignition by Inductive Automation, which fully responds to the characteristics of reliability and scalability required.
The system integrates products from different vendors using standard communication protocols. The graphics capabilities of Ignition and experience of PB Automation led to the creation of a user interface (HMI) which is simple, intuitive, and at the same time, very complete. Navigating between pages is simple, and in case of an alarm, is possible to reach the detail page with very few operations.

Presented By:
Alberto Baracco
No Biographical Information
Created By:
PB Automation
PB Automation was founded in 1999 by a group of technicians with experience in the field of remote control, automation and process control. Through in-depth knowledge of the latest products and innovative hardware and software available on the market, and the constant confrontation with the realities of “field “ experienced during the start-up facility, the company is capable of system architectures adapted to the specific needs of each client. PB Automation is also active in the field of security systems, building automation, monitoring and data acquisition, and design of communication networks.
Project For:
John Bosco of Turin Hospital, Italy
The John Bosco is the largest hospital in the area north of Turin, born on a project approved in 1955 by the City Council of the city that had given the name of “General Hospital of St. John the Baptist and the City of Turin-Astanteria Martini” as linked to the idea of expanding the Martini Hospital Astanteria. However, after an afterthought, rather than proceed with the restructuring of the old existing structure, it was decided to build a new hospital.
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